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Ants, Spiders and Bees

Ants, Spiders and Bees
Ants gather food little by little without ceasing. That said, these little animals can gather food for many years while his age not more than one year. Willingness of so great that he tried and often succeeded in taking something that is bigger than the body, even if something is not useful to him.
Spiders have the most fragile nest, it's not a safe place, anything that caught there will be ambushed. Never mind the insect which are not similar, the males also ambushed after the completion making sex to be destroyed by the females. The eggs that hatched can jostle each other to annhilate.

As for bees, have an instinct to build nests hexagon-shaped instead of pentagon or square to avoid waste in the location. He eats the flowers and did not like the ants that accumulate-pilling food, bees processing the food and their processed products are wax and honey is very beneficial. They are very disciplined, knowing the division of labor and all the useless of the nest removal. Bees did not interfere unless there is a disturbing, even the sting can be a medicine.

The attitude of human life is often likened to the various types of animals.
Animals = Human - Conscience
Obviously there are a cultured human ants the human species that raise and accumulate knowledge (without process) and material (without costumized to their needs). Ants culture is a culture hoard that nurtured with culture "while there is a chance".
Wonder how much the number of spiders that exist on the earth (perhaps also including ours), that is no longer need to think what, where and when he ate, but thay think "who will they make prey".
Bees do not eat but the good, does not produce except that useful / helpful and did not damage something around it.
can we be like bees, not ants especially spiders...???

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