Tuhan dan Tukang Cukur (id)

Tuhan dan Tukang Cukur (id)
Suatu hari seorang laki-laki, sebut saja steve, datang kesebuah barber shop untuk memotong rambut dan jenggotnya. Ia pun memulai pembicaraan yang hangat dengan tukang cukur yang melayaninya. Berbagai macam topikpun akhirnya menjadi pilihan mereka, hingga akhirnya Tuhan menjadi subyek pembicaraan mereka.
Tukang Cukur (TC) : "hai tuan, saya ini tidak percaya kalau Tuhan itu ada, seperti yang anda katakan tadi".
mendengar hal tersebut, steve terkejut dan bertanya
Steve (S) : "mengapa anda berkata demikian?".
TC : "iy, jika Tuhan itu ada, mengapa banyak orang yang sakit? dan mengapa banyak anak-anak yang terlantar. jika Tuhan itu ada, tentu tidak ada sakit dan penderitaan. Tuhan apa yang mengijinkan semua itu terjadi?".
Steve pun berpikir tentang apa yang baru saja diungkapkan oleh si tukang cukur. Namun iya sama sekali tidak memberi respon agar argumen tersebut tidak lebih meluas lagi. Saat steve keluar dari barber shop, tiba-tiba ia berpapasan dengan seorang laki-laki berambut panjang dan jenggotnya sangat lebat. Sepertinya ia sudah lama tidak pergi ke tukang cukur dan itu membuatnya terlihat sangat tidak rapi. Akhirnya steve kembali masuk ke barber shop dan ia berkata kepada sang tukang cukur.
S : "ternyata di dunia ini tidak ada yang namanya tukang cukur!"
Otomatis si tukang cukur terkejut.
TC : "bagaimana mungkin mereka tidak ada tuan, buktinya adalah saya, saya ada disni dan saya adalah seorang tukang cukur".
S : "Kalau mereka memang benar-benar ada, tentu tidak mungkin ada orang yang berambut panjang dan berjenggot lebat seperti bapak yang satu ini".
TC : "ah... anda bisa saja tuan. Tukang cukur itu selalu ada dimana-mana, yang terjadi pada pria ini, adalah bahwa ia tidak mau datang ke barber shop saya untuk dicukur".
S : "Tepat. Itulah kuncinya. sebenarnya Tuhan itu ada, yang terjadi pada umat manusia adalah mereka tidak mau datang menemuinya. Itulah sebabnya menapa tampak begitu banyak penderitaan diseluruh dunia ini".
Kadang kita terlalu gampang mengambil kesimpulan dari sesuatu hal yang tidak kita pikirkan secara mendalam. Tukang cukut itu adalah diri kita juga, yang kadang mereka menderita dan lalu mengatakan bahwa Tuhan tidak ada. Sementara kita sesungguhnya tidak mengenal Tuhan dan mungkin kita tidak dekat dengan-Nya.

Versi MP3 bisa di download disini : Tuhan dan Tukang Cukur

Animasi kursor Bounce Ball (id)

Animasi kursor Bounce Ball (id)
Aku mau share tutorial buat ngasi animasi di kursor. aku kasi bayangan dikit, intinya, setelah masukin script dibawah ini, kursor kamu akan ada "buntutnya" yaitu bola-bola yang bisa memantul. berhubung aku g da blog "korban", aku g bisa ngasi SS contohnya. Buat temen-temen yang uda nyoba, bisa kasi SS di komentar y... buat referensi yang laen.... :P
Ni langkah-langkahnya :
1. Buka blogger.com trus login
2. Masuk dashbord, trus pilih "design" blog yang mau kamu pasang animasi ini.
3. klik "edit HTML"
4. centang "Expand Widget Templates"
5. trus cari tag </body> (biar gampang, tekan ctrl + f)
6. Copy semua script yang di kolom bawah ni tepat "DIATAS" atau "SEBELUM" tag </body>

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<!--Bounce Ball Start
// image src
var trailsrc = "URL/sumber gambar bolamu";

var nDots = 7;
var Xbpos = 0;
var Ybpos = 0;

// fixed time step, no relation to real time
var DELTAT = .01;
// size of one spring in pixels
var SEGLEN = 10;
// spring constant, stiffness of springs
var SPRINGK = 10;
// all the physics is bogus, just picked stuff to make it look okay
var MASS = 1;
// Positive XGRAVITY pulls right, negative pulls left
// Positive YGRAVITY pulls down, negative up
var XGRAVITY = 0;
var YGRAVITY = 50;
// RESISTANCE determines a slowing force proportional to velocity
var RESISTANCE = 10;
// stopping criterea to prevent endless jittering
// doesn't work when sitting on bottom since floor
// doesn't push back so acceleration always as big
// as gravity
var STOPVEL = 0.1;
var STOPACC = 0.1;
var DOTSIZE = 11;
// BOUNCE is percent of velocity retained when
// bouncing off a wall
var BOUNCE = 0.75;

var ff=(document.getElementById&&!document.all);
var ns=(document.layers);
var ie=(document.all);

// always on for now, could be played with to
// let dots fall to botton, get thrown, etc.
var followmouse = true;
var dots = new Array();

function init()
    var i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nDots; i++) {
        dots[i] = new dot(i);
    // set their positions
    for (i = 0; i < nDots; i++) {
        dots[i].obj.left = dots[i].X;
        dots[i].obj.top = dots[i].Y;
    setTimeout("startanimate()", 10);

function dot(i)
this.X  = Xbpos;
this.Y  = Ybpos;
this.dx = 0;
this.dy = 0;

if (ns){
 document.write("<layer id=\"mtrail"+ i +"\" ><img src='"+trailsrc+"' border=\"0\"><\/layer>");
} else if (ie||ff) {
if (i == 0) {
 document.write("<div id=\"mtrail"+ i +"\" style=\"POSITION: absolute;z-index:999;VISIBILITY: hidden;\"><img src='"+trailsrc+"' border=\"0\"><\/div>");
} else {
          document.write("<div id=\"mtrail"+ i +"\" style=\"POSITION: absolute; z-index:999;\"><img src='"+trailsrc+"' border=\"0\"><\/div>");

if (ie)
this.obj = eval("mtrail" + i + ".style");
} else if (ff)
this.obj = document.getElementById("mtrail" + i).style;
this.obj = eval("document.mtrail" + i);

function startanimate() {
    setInterval("animate()", 20);

// just save mouse position for animate() to use
function MoveHandler(e)
    if (ie) {
    Xbpos = window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
    Ybpos = window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
    else {
    Xbpos = e.pageX;
    Ybpos = e.pageY;

function vec(X, Y)
    this.X = X;
    this.Y = Y;

// adds force in X and Y to spring for dot[i] on dot[j]
function springForce(i, j, spring)
    var dx = (dots[i].X - dots[j].X);
    var dy = (dots[i].Y - dots[j].Y);
    var len = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
    if (len > SEGLEN) {
        var springF = SPRINGK * (len - SEGLEN);
        spring.X += (dx / len) * springF;
        spring.Y += (dy / len) * springF;

function animate() {
    // dots[0] follows the mouse,
    // though no dot is drawn there
    var start = 0;
    if (followmouse) {
        dots[0].X = Xbpos;
        dots[0].Y = Ybpos;
        start = 1;
    for (i = start ; i < nDots; i++ ) {
        var spring = new vec(0, 0);
        if (i > 0) {
            springForce(i-1, i, spring);
        if (i < (nDots - 1)) {
            springForce(i+1, i, spring);
        // air resisitance/friction
        var resist = new vec(-dots[i].dx * RESISTANCE,
            -dots[i].dy * RESISTANCE);
        // compute new accel, including gravity
        var accel = new vec((spring.X + resist.X)/MASS + XGRAVITY,
            (spring.Y + resist.Y)/ MASS + YGRAVITY);
        // compute new velocity
        dots[i].dx += (DELTAT * accel.X);
        dots[i].dy += (DELTAT * accel.Y);
        // stop dead so it doesn't jitter when nearly still
        if (Math.abs(dots[i].dx) < STOPVEL &&
            Math.abs(dots[i].dy) < STOPVEL &&
            Math.abs(accel.X) < STOPACC &&
            Math.abs(accel.Y) < STOPACC) {
            dots[i].dx = 0;
            dots[i].dy = 0;
        // move to new position
        dots[i].X += dots[i].dx;
        dots[i].Y += dots[i].dy;
        // get size of window
        var height, width;
        if (!ie) {
            height = window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset;
            width = window.innerWidth + window.pageXOffset;
        } else {
            height = document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop;
            width = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft;
        // bounce off 3 walls (leave ceiling open)
        if (dots[i].Y >=  height - DOTSIZE - 1) {
            if (dots[i].dy > 0) {
                dots[i].dy = BOUNCE * -dots[i].dy;
            dots[i].Y = height - DOTSIZE - 1;
        if (dots[i].X >= width - DOTSIZE) {
            if (dots[i].dx > 0) {
                dots[i].dx = BOUNCE * -dots[i].dx;
            dots[i].X = width - DOTSIZE - 1;
        if (dots[i].X < 0) {
            if (dots[i].dx < 0) {
                dots[i].dx = BOUNCE * -dots[i].dx;
            dots[i].X = 0;
        // move img to new position
        dots[i].obj.left = dots[i].X;
        dots[i].obj.top =  dots[i].Y;

document.onmousemove = MoveHandler;
-->bounce ball end
7. Jangan lupa mengganti URL/sumber gambar bolamu. 
8. Save, trus coba buka blog kamu.

Ni aku kasi contoh bola sama URL gambar bolanya.

Cara Cepat Meningkatkan Peringkat Alexa

Kaget sebenarnya setelah mengetahui fakta yang satu ini. Awal saya mulai membuat blog ini trus daftar di alexa, peringkat blog saya dimata alexa sekitar 24.000.000. Dalam hati saya bergumam "wajar, blog baru... g mungkin langsung masuk 5jtan".
Tapi beberapa hari belakangan saya baru sadar kalo ternyata blog saya sudah masuk jadi 4jtan. Seneng sih, tapi juga bingung, "kenapa bisa??" padahal saya g ngerasa ngelakuin sesuatu buat naikin alexa rank.
Usut punya usut, ternyata ini efek dari saya bergabung di infolinks.com dan clicksor. Awalnya sih g percaya, akhirnya saya coba pasang script infolinks di blog saya yang satu lagi (yang dimata alexa masih tidak ada data peringkat). 3 hari setelah pemasangan, ternyata blog saya tu dah masuk peringkat 8jtan.
Atas dasar itulah, saya ingin berbagi info ini buat temen-temen yang g sengaja nyasar kesini. buat daftar infolinks, ada beberapa persyaratan, yang utama "blog harus berbahasa inggris".
Cara mengakalinya, kamu simpan dulu semua artikel kamu jadi draft, trus posting 5-10 lirik lagu bahasa inggris. Selain tu, biar lebih aman, kamu bisa hilangkan dulu semua widgetmu. trus daftar di infolinks.com, tunggu konfirmasinya. Kalo belum da konfirmasi, jangan posting dulu artikelmu yang tadi kamu draft-in tu. Kalo dah ada konfirmasi, baru kamu tampilkan lagi semuanya n jangan lupa pasang juga script infolinks.com (y iya lah, buat pa daftar kalo scripnya g kita pasang???).
Untuk daftar di clicksor, g da persyaratan seperti di infolinks.com, tinggal daftar trus copas script widgetnya.

Oy, buat ngeliat secara real-time (dan bisa untuk semua web/blog) alexa rank, kamu bisa pasang tolbarnya, sudah aku kasi tutorialnya di alexa untuk blogmu
Semoga tutorial kali ni bisa berguna buat temen-temen blogger. Keep spirit to Blogging. :P

Blog percobaan : http://album-dagip.blogspot.com/
Link daftar Alexa : alexa.com
Link daftar infolinks.com : infolinks.com
Link daftar clicksor : Clicksor.com

Build Bridge (Game)

Buat Jembatan
This morning I woke up really surprised, my sister did not sleep the whole night. At first I thought the task, it was play games. Intrigued by the game being played (until he's willing to not sleep), I try to play the game. Apparently only a flash game, not a heaavy game, but it turned out pretty well sharpen the brain.
At first glance, this game (hence its name) we build bridges that will be used the way the character there to pick up the goods. He cried again, we are limited with money to build that bridge.... Substantially challenged.
Want to try? just download this file, only 6 mb.

Download :
Build Bridge

Bangun Jembatan (game)

Buat Jembatan
Tadi pagi aku bangun kaget banget, adikku ternyata g tidur semalam penuh. Awalnya aku kira ngerjakan tugas, ternyata maen game. Penasaran dengan game yang dimainin (mpek dia rela g tidur), aku coba mainin gamenya. ternyata hanya game flash, bukan game berat, tapi ternyata cukup mengasah otak juga.
Sekilas, game ini y sesuai namanya, kita membangun jembatan yang nantinya dijadikan jalan buat si karakter disana untuk ngambil barang. Na asiknya lagi, kita dibatasi dengan uang buat bangun jembatan tu... pokoknya menantang n buat gemes.
Bisa di coba, filenya hanya sebesar 6 mb j.

Download :
Bangun Jembatan

King and His Four Wives

King and His Four Wives
A long time ago, there a king who had 4 wives. The king was very much in love his fourth wife and has always presented him with expensive clothes and gave him the most delicious food, Only the best will given to the wife. He also adored his third wife and always shot it off to the officials of the neighboring kingdom. That's because he was afraid that one day this wife will be left him.
The king also loved his second wife. Because his wife on this one is where the outpouring of his heart, which will always be friendly, caring and patience. At the time of the king facing a problem, he would reveal the content only at his third wife because he could help her through the tough times that.

King's first wife was a very loyal partner and has contribute a large part in maintaining his wealth and for his kingdom. However, the king did not care about his first wife was even the wife loved him so much, it remains difficult for the king to attention his wife's.
Until one day, the king feel ill and he knew that death was imminent. While contemplating a very luxurious life, the king then thought, "right now I have 4 wives beside me, but when I go, maybe I'll own". Then, he asked to the fourth wife, "until now, I most love you, I gave you a gift the most beautiful of the clothes and gave a great attention just for you. Now I'm dying, are you going to follow and stay with me?" "it will not!" replied the fourth wife, he went away without saying anything more. the answer of his wife is like a knife piercing her heart was so right. The king sad and said to his third wife, "I really adore you with all my soul. Now I'm dying, do you still follow and always be with me?" "No!" said the wife. "Life is so beautiful! When you die, I will be married again!" the king feelings emptiness and froze. Moment later, the king asked to his second wife, "All this time, when I needed you, you're always there for me. The next time I die, if you will follow and continue beside me?" "Forgive me, for this time I could not fulfill your wish!" replied his second wife. "All I could do, just go with you to your funeral".

Again, the response of the wife like a bolt that grabbed and broke her heart. Suddenly, a voice said "I will be with you and accompany you whenever you go". The king turned his head looking for anyone who talked to him and saw his first wife. He looked so thin, such as suffering from malnutrition. With very deep regret and profound sorrow, the king said wistfully, "I should have more notice you when I still had plenty of opportunities!".

Moral of this story :

In reality, actually we all have "four wives" in our lives. "The fourth wife" of us are our bodies. No matter how much time and effort we spend to make il took good, still, he'll leave us when we die. Then the "third wife" of us are ambition, status and wealth. When we die, all of it will surely fall into the other hands. While the "second wife" of us are family and our friends. No matter how long time already spent with us, still the can only accompany us up to the funeral. And finally "first wife" of us is the spirit, soul, our faith, which is often overlooked because of busy chasing wealth, power and satisfaction of lush. In fact, soulus, spirit or faith is what will follow us wherever we go, that would show our identity to the world.

AVG Internet Security 2012

AVG Internet Security 2012
Previously I've shared about KIS 2011 Plus Resetter is already widely trusted by the toughness. Now I want to share the antivirus which is also a rival of KIS. Namely AVG Internet Security.
Many say that this AV is making a heavy laptop or slow, but as long as I use this AV, I do not feel the symptoms that people say (my laptop also antiquarian with only 1GB of RAM and Pentium 4 Processor).

What I like from this AV that is "I do't need to pay for it" hehehehe.... in this article, I also include an activation key for this AV (Valid until 2018).

For my friends who are willing and want to try using this AV, please direct download at the link I give below. Please comment and criticism....

I attach below the advantages of this AV :

Protection that actually speeds up your PC
Some security products slow down your PC; AVG Internet Security 2012 speeds it up, by accelerating the download of content-rich files. Faster system start-up and support for Flash and HD video means you can enjoy online video like YouTube faster than ever before.AVG AcceleratorAVG System Tools.

Block hackers and stop identity thieves
More than just Antivirus, AVG Internet Security protects you when shopping and banking, keeping your identity safe. The AVG Firewall prevents inbound and outbound attacks, while Identity Protection secures personal content you enter online.AVG Enhanced FirewallAVG Identity Protection.

Award winning Anti-Virus that just works
Antivirus protection that automatically updates to protect you from continually evolving threats. As hackers develop new techniques, AVG’s research labs are constantly processing web data to provide new defenses to keep you automatically protected.Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware, Anti-SpywareAVG Protective Cloud TechnologyAVG Community Protection Network.

Gaming and surfing without interruptions
Get on with your surfing and gaming without interference. Scans operate when you are away from your PC, and it also knows when you are gaming and ensures that the security operates in the background only, leaving you free to play.AVG Smart ScanningGame ModeAuto-Fix.

Keep messaging free of spam, worms and scams
Keep your inbox clear of spam and also protect it from phishing scams along with the hidden viruses that they contain. AVG will also protect you when exchanging files through popular instant messaging like MSN and Yahoo.AVG Anti-SpamAVG Online Shield™AVG Email Scanner.

Surf and search the web safely
You want to search and surf, but you don’t ever want to go to any infected websites. AVG helps you out by clearly alerting you to threats and keeping you clear of them.LinkScanner® Search-ShieldLinkScanner® Surf-Shield.

Share your life on Facebook, not viruses
With AVG protecting your system, you can chat and message your friends on Facebook and other social networks in the knowledge that each web page and link is checked for safety. You won’t pick up a malicious link from your friends - and you won’t send one either!AVG Social Networking Protection.

Expert support from techies that care
AVG understands the need to stay safely connected to the web no matter your geographical location or time of day - our mission is to provide ongoing peace of mind on a 24/7 basis.AVG SupportAVG Advisor.

Download : AVG Internet Security 2012
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