One Heart Different Purpose

One Heart Different Purpose
Mr. Mamat, was a peasant village with one field and two cows. His days he used to take care of their field and find grass for the cattle. Tp perform these activities, he has an old bike to ride to the field and forests the village where he was mowing the grass. However, lately, he is constrained to reach their fields early in order to mowing the grass more quickly because the bike saddle broken and unlikely to be used again. He chose to walk though the energy expended is greater because they have driven a long distance and lift the grass is quite heavy.
This kondition has actually been known by Mrs. Mamat, but what power, he can not help her husband. Until one day, he remembered the earring that left one side only. "Why am I not help my husband with sell the remaining earring are then bought a saddle for my husband?"

Hewas carrying out that his intention without the knowledge of her husband because he wanted to give as a surprise gift on the anniversary of her husband.

On the other hand, her husband, who every day walk to go fields and forest began to feel comfortable with these condition, even he feels much healthier than eveer before while he was still able to use the bike. He is thinking of selling his bike and then buy earring for his wife who uses only one earring. Later, he was carrying out his intention also unbeknownst to his wife because he wanted to give a gift to his wife on his birthday.

Birthday arrived, When on the morning they were about to start the activity of each, his wife ran to get something that has been wrapped neatly to give to her husband. He congratulated the birthday and asked her husband to unwarp that. What a surprise Mr. Mamat, because he found saddle in the package which is nothing but a result of the sale of his wife's earrings. Then, he reached in the pocket a small package taht turned out to containing earrings that result sales of the bicycle.

Mr. Mamat had a commendable heart for his wife happiness by giving gift even though he had to give up something very valuable property. On the same occasion Mrs. Mamat also has a commendable conscience because a gave up a earring for her husband's happiness. However, the goodness of that two noble hearts which ultimately there is no benefit because there is no intensive communication about their intent and willingness of each.

The depth of the ocean can be expected, but anyone knows inside the heart.
Communication is one technique to know inside one's heart.

Ants, Spiders and Bees

Ants, Spiders and Bees
Ants gather food little by little without ceasing. That said, these little animals can gather food for many years while his age not more than one year. Willingness of so great that he tried and often succeeded in taking something that is bigger than the body, even if something is not useful to him.
Spiders have the most fragile nest, it's not a safe place, anything that caught there will be ambushed. Never mind the insect which are not similar, the males also ambushed after the completion making sex to be destroyed by the females. The eggs that hatched can jostle each other to annhilate.

As for bees, have an instinct to build nests hexagon-shaped instead of pentagon or square to avoid waste in the location. He eats the flowers and did not like the ants that accumulate-pilling food, bees processing the food and their processed products are wax and honey is very beneficial. They are very disciplined, knowing the division of labor and all the useless of the nest removal. Bees did not interfere unless there is a disturbing, even the sting can be a medicine.

The attitude of human life is often likened to the various types of animals.
Animals = Human - Conscience
Obviously there are a cultured human ants the human species that raise and accumulate knowledge (without process) and material (without costumized to their needs). Ants culture is a culture hoard that nurtured with culture "while there is a chance".
Wonder how much the number of spiders that exist on the earth (perhaps also including ours), that is no longer need to think what, where and when he ate, but thay think "who will they make prey".
Bees do not eat but the good, does not produce except that useful / helpful and did not damage something around it.
can we be like bees, not ants especially spiders...???

Replace the Windows XP Display When Copying

Replace the Windows XP Display When Copying

Sorry in advande, Iwas confused for the title of this article, but the point is that.... hehehe. I write this article about the "hack" windows XP (only in XP) display when we copying files or folders.
Now depending on how far our imagination and daring to try with this software. Ok, first i give simple steps...

  1. Download the file here (password:
  2. Extract the file
  3. Double click ResHacker.exe
  4. Click "file" ==> shell32.dll (second from under, if not present, try find in Drive C:==>Windows==>system32==>shell32.dll)
  5. After that, on the left column find "Dialog"==>1020==>1033
  6. After steps 5, on right column will appear the words more or less like this :

1020 DIALOGEX 20, 20, 263, 104
   CONTROL "Cancel", 2, BUTTON, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 198, 87, 58, 14 
   CONTROL "", 102, STATIC, SS_LEFT | SS_NOPREFIX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 68, 40, 155, 10 
   CONTROL "", 103, STATIC, SS_LEFT | SS_NOPREFIX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 68, 30, 155, 10 
   CONTROL "", 104, "msctls_progress32", PBS_SMOOTH | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 30, 65, 224, 8 
   CONTROL "", 105, STATIC, SS_LEFT | SS_NOPREFIX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 68, 50, 155, 10 
   CONTROL "", 107, STATIC, SS_GRAYFRAME | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 83, 263, 1 
   CONTROL "Location:", 0, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 8, 30, 31, 10 
   CONTROL "File name:", 0, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 8, 40, 33, 10 
   CONTROL "Time remaining:", 0, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 8, 50, 53, 10 
   CONTROL "", 106, "SysAnimate32", ACS_TRANSPARENT | ACS_AUTOPLAY | ACS_TIMER | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 65532, 0, 267, 25 
   CONTROL 8000, 0, STATIC, SS_ICON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 8, 63, 21, 20 

Above is the original data for the windows went the operating system to copy files or moving files. Following examples of modification that I did :

1020 DIALOGEX 20, 20, 263, 114
   CONTROL "Cancel", 2, BUTTON, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 198, 97, 58, 14 
   CONTROL "", 102, STATIC, SS_LEFT | SS_NOPREFIX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 68, 50, 155, 10 
   CONTROL "", 103, STATIC, SS_LEFT | SS_NOPREFIX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 68, 40, 155, 10 
   CONTROL "", 104, "msctls_progress32", PBS_SMOOTH | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 30, 75, 224, 8 
   CONTROL "", 105, STATIC, SS_LEFT | SS_NOPREFIX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 68, 60, 155, 10 
   CONTROL "", 107, STATIC, SS_GRAYFRAME | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 93, 263, 1 
   CONTROL "Sabar ya..... Sebentar aja kok........ {Damas Gigih Pratama}", 0, STATIC, SS_CENTER | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 0, 30, 263, 10 
   CONTROL "Location:", 0, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 8, 40, 31, 10 
   CONTROL "File name:", 0, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 8, 50, 33, 10 
   CONTROL "Time remaining:", 0, STATIC, SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 8, 60, 53, 10 
   CONTROL "", 106, "SysAnimate32", ACS_TRANSPARENT | ACS_AUTOPLAY | ACS_TIMER | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 65532, 0, 267, 25 
   CONTROL 8000, 0, STATIC, SS_ICON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 8, 73, 21, 20 

The green font is the modification that I did, and the result like this :

Try to make your own, don't forget to share if you have something..

Download :
Password :
2. Winrar

KIS plus resetter

KIS plus resetter

This antivirus that I like, besides light, is also easy to use. Kaspersky antivirus including world-call lined the many users and has been trusted to keep its value in the computer / laptop users.

This time I will provide a little oportunity for my friends who want to try this Antivirus. But when we use the trial version, we are only given oportunity to enjoy of this AV 30 days, therefore I include resetter so that we can re-activation if our KIS trial periode have been exhausted.
The resetter very easy to use, already include in the file.
Lets try this one.

Here to download :

Wisdom Story (All in One)

Wisdom Story (All In One)
Sudah beberapa lama saya share tentang Wisdom Story, mulai part 1 sampai part 7. jadi sudah sekitar 21 File MP3 yang saya share. Kemarin waktu asik jalan-jalan ke blog-blog orang, la kok dapat sesuatu yang buat saya kaget. ternyata Wisdom Story yang saya share sudah pernah di share sama bang Oga di webnya.... untuk menebus kesalahan dan agar g dianggap sebagai tukang duplikat, saya memutuskan merangkum semua file wisdom story jadi satu posting artikel (mungkin akan sering di update, kl saya dapat file serupa). terimakasih sebelumnya buat bang Ogi, beberapa file saya ambil dari web abang, dan saya upload ulang. heheh.... bagi teman-teman yang ingin download, bisa dari web saya atau webnya bang ogi, akan saya sertakan link aktif di bawah artikel ini nanti. Happy Download... (Bila ada link yang broken, silahkan kasi komentar...)

  1. Tuhan dan Tukang Cukur
  2. Tempayan Retak
  3. Anjing Kecil
  4. Persaudaraan
  5. Kura-kura Dan Kalajengking
  6. Jessica
  7. Duka Diperjalanan
  8. Mata Cinta Kopi Asin
  9. Memaafkan
  10. Cinta Dan Waktu
  11. Kearifan Segenggam Garam
  12. Kisah Petani Yang Bijak
  13. Refleksi Diri
  14. Roda
  15. Sang Juara
  16. Pertunjukan Terkhir
  17. Sandal Kulit Sang Raja
  18. Hidup Adalah Pilihan
  19. Belajar sabar
  20. Batu Besar
  21. Paku Yang Meninggalkan Bekas
  22. Cangkir Cantik
  23. Jendela Rumah Sakit
  24. Mencoba Sesuatu Yang Positif
  25. Mengasah Diri
  26. Ibunda Mengapa Kau Menangis
  27. Cintailah Cinta
  28. Kisah Seekor Belalang
  29. Mawar Untuk Ibu
  30. Menolong Bukanlah Suatu Pekerjaan
  31. Keledai Yang Cerdik
  32. Tangan Ibu Yang Gemetar
  33. Baju-Baju Yang Menipu
  34. Rautan Meja Kayu
  35. Cinta Di Senja Pernikahan
  36. Penyelesaian Yang Tak Berujung
  37. Ucapan Cinta Yang Terakhir
  38. Si Kecil Cassie
  39. Kekuatan Tanpa Kekerasan
  40. Belajar Dari Seekor Cicak
  41. Kelinci Sakti
  42. Burung Pipit
  43. Serbuk Kayu dan Arloji
  44. Mensyukuri Nikmat
  45. Mulailah Memberi
  46. Tidak Ada Yang Sempurna
  47. Pembeli Istimewa
  48. Harga Waktu Seorang Ayah
  49. Racun Yang Menyembuhkan
  50. Jembatan Kasih Sayang
  51. Kisah Sang Tikus
  52. Kelalaian Seorang Tukang Kayu
  53. Lukisan Kedamaian
  54. Jangan Mudah Percaya Pada Orang Lain
  55. Kecantikan Sesungguhnya
  56. Kelinci Penakut
  57. Arti Didikan Keras Seorang Ayah
  58. Catatan Kehidupan
  59. Cinta, Kesuksesan dan Kekayaan
  60. Daftar Kekurangan
  61. Kita Hanya Butuh Tempat Yang Kecil
  62. Penantian Panjang Seorang Ibu
  63. Emas Dan Permata
  64. Semua Pasti Berlalu
  65. Bunyi Yang Berarti
  66. Dibelakang Layar
  67. Pesankan Saya Tempat Dineraka
  68. Batu Kecil
  69. Cara British Airway Menghadapi Rasialisme
  70. Goressan Luka 1
  71. Goresan Luka 2
  72. Buah Kesabaran Dan Kesedihan
  73. Cinta Dan Perkawinan
  74. Ayam Dan Sapi
  75. Jangan Menyimpan Dendam
  76. Kesalahan Yang Harus Dibayar Mahal
  77. Katak KEcil Yang Tuli
  78. Jalur Kereta Api
  79. Hati Yang Sempurna
  80. Kematian
  81. Cinta Dan Kehangatan
  82. Keraguan
  83. Belaian Yang Lembut
  84. Cerita Seorang Buruh
  85. Panah
  86. Komentator
  87. Hidup Yang Bermakna
  88. Mengapa Berteriak
  89. Nama Baik dan Status
  90. Kupu-kupu
  91. Emas Dan Permata
  92. Pujian
  93. 100 Ekor Burung Pipit
  94. Tak Sesulit Yang anda Bayangkan
  95. Ikan Kecil dan Air
  96. Apa Yang Kau Lihat
  97. Maafkan Dan Lupakan
  98. Dalam Hidup Jangan Berlari Terlalu Cepat
Beberapa file belum saya beri link, karena belum sempat saya upload, sesegera mungkin akan saya upload dan saya update artikel ini. Selamat menikmati.

Beberapa file saya dapatkan dari : sebagian lagi saya dapat dari teman saya Nur Ahmad. Thanks 4 you all....

Bagaimana Mereka Shalat Subuh???

Bagaimana Mereka Shalat Subuh
Seorang da’i duduk dan mencaeritakan pengalaman dakwahnya di hadapan seorang syaikh dan sekumpulan tentara Cina yang ikut berperang dalam perang teluk III. Dia berkata:
Para tentara itu ikut dalam operasi dukungan di utara kerajaan Saudi Arabia. Dan menjadi kewajiban bagi kami sebagai da’i kepada Allah SWT untuk mendakwahi mereka kepada Islam, mengeluarkan mereka dari kegelapan syirik, kegelapan penyembahan kepada Budha, dan konfusisme, sertaa berhala-berhala lain kepada penyembahan kepada Allah yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Mengetahui.
Allah SWT telah memberikan taufik kepada kami dalam tugas kami, lalu masuk islamlah mereka dengan jumlah yang lumayan. Maka kamipun terus mengajari mereka rukun-rukun islam, kewajiban-kewajibanya, lalu merekapun mulai menunaikan shalat pada waktu-waktunya jauh dari komandan dan atasan-atasan mereka.
Akan tetapi permasalahan yang mereka hadapi adalah dalam shalat subuh, saat komandan mereka mengetahui berkumpulnya mereka dalam satu kemah untuk saling bergantian begadang agar tidak tertinggal shalat subuh, maka mereka memisahkan diri mereka di antara kemah-kemah.
Maka masing-masing di antara mereka membawa beker, akan tetapi beker merekapun dikeluarkan. Setiap kali mereka menemukan cara baru untuk membangunkan mereka sebelum fajar untuk shalat subuh pada waktunya, para komandan itupun memerangi mereka, menutup segala jendela dan pintu mereka.
Tiba-tiba mereka menemukan cara baru untuk bangun.
Masing-masing memutuskan untuk meminum sejumlah besar air sebulum tidur agar mereka bisa terbangun untuk pergi kekamar mandi, termasuk untuk melihat ke jam mereka, agar mengetahui berapa jam lagi waktu shalat subuh. Jika dekat masanya, mereka menunggu dan shalat, bila tidak, maka mereka minum sejumlah air yang diperhatikan jumlahnya.
Bersamaan dengan berlangsungnya percobaan berkali-kali, mereka bisa menghitung berapa ukuran air yang bisa menjadikan mereka bangun pada waktu yang hampir dekat dengan waktu fajar. Kemudian jadilah masing-masing diantara mereka menunaikan shalat subuh pada waktunya.
Di saat itulah sang da’i melihat kepada wajah syaikh, ternyata kedua matanya tengah mengeluarkan air mata.
Mereka adalah orang yang baru masuk islam, namun kecintaan di hati mereka mencapai tingkatan seperti itu, mengapa??
Karena mereka mengetahui kejahiliyahan dan kerusakaannya, lebih dari itu, mereka mengetahui islam dan kebahagiaannya, lalu mereka berpegang teguh padanya.
Maka di manakah kita dari mereka????

Alexa untuk blogmu

Alexa untuk blogmu
Setelah muter-muter nyari cara buat ningkatin peringkat dari Alexa, akhirnya dapet juga. Dari beberapa blog yang udah aku buka-buka, kira-kira seperti ini tips yang diberikan mereka.
  1. Buka web alexa trus pilih tab site tools kemudian di bawah da tulisan "Claim Your Site", trus ikutin langkah-langkahnya mpek kelar.
  2. Selesai yang pertama, lanjut ke pemasangan widgets alexa, disebelah "Claim Your Site" tadi, trus pasang di blog kamu.
  3. Instal toolbar alexa di browser kamu, kata para tetua sih ni bisa ningkatin page rank kita soalnya tiap kita buka web/blog kita dengan browser yang udah kepasang alexa toolbar, point kita akan di hitung ma si alexa tadi. :P
  4. Buat tulisan yang terkait dengan alexa, baik pa tu alexa, cara pasangnya, keuntungan to kerugiannya dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan alexa. katanya sih da yang mpek naik 200.000 habis nulis artikel gituan.
Tu sebagian (semua yang aku tahu) tentang cara naikin rank blogmu di mata alexa. Tapi aku yakin masih banyak lagi cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mempopulerkan blog/web kita. Bila ada yang mau berkomentar sembari meninggalkan link, saya persilahkan.

AVG Internet Security 2012

AVG Internet Security 2012
Sebelumnya saya pernah share tentang KIS 2011 plus resetter yang udah banyak percaya dengan ketangguhannya. na sekarang saya mau share antivirus yang juga merupakan saingan dari KIS tadi. yaitu AVG Internet Security 2012.

banyak yang bilang kalo AV satu ini bikin laptop berat alias lemot, tapi selama saya menggunakan AV ini, saya tidak merasakan gejala yang dibilang orang-orang (laptop saya juga jadul dengan RAM hanya 1Gb + prosesor pentium 4).

Yang saya suka dari AV ini yaitu "saya tidak perlu membayar untuk mendapatkannya" he..he... di artikel ini saya juga sertakan key untuk aktivasi AV ini (valid sampai 2018).

buat temen-temen yang bersedia dan ingin mencoba menggunakan AV ini, silahkan langsung download di link yang aku kasi di bawah. mohon komen dan kritiknya y....

di bawah ini saya lampirkan kelebihan dari AV ini :

Protection that actually speeds up your PC
Some security products slow down your PC; AVG Internet Security 2012 speeds it up, by accelerating the download of content-rich files. Faster system start-up and support for Flash and HD video means you can enjoy online video like YouTube faster than ever before.AVG AcceleratorAVG System Tools.

Block hackers and stop identity thieves
More than just Antivirus, AVG Internet Security protects you when shopping and banking, keeping your identity safe. The AVG Firewall prevents inbound and outbound attacks, while Identity Protection secures personal content you enter online.AVG Enhanced FirewallAVG Identity Protection.

Award winning Anti-Virus that just works
Antivirus protection that automatically updates to protect you from continually evolving threats. As hackers develop new techniques, AVG’s research labs are constantly processing web data to provide new defenses to keep you automatically protected.Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware, Anti-SpywareAVG Protective Cloud TechnologyAVG Community Protection Network.

Gaming and surfing without interruptions
Get on with your surfing and gaming without interference. Scans operate when you are away from your PC, and it also knows when you are gaming and ensures that the security operates in the background only, leaving you free to play.AVG Smart ScanningGame ModeAuto-Fix.

Keep messaging free of spam, worms and scams
Keep your inbox clear of spam and also protect it from phishing scams along with the hidden viruses that they contain. AVG will also protect you when exchanging files through popular instant messaging like MSN and Yahoo.AVG Anti-SpamAVG Online Shield™AVG Email Scanner.

Surf and search the web safely
You want to search and surf, but you don’t ever want to go to any infected websites. AVG helps you out by clearly alerting you to threats and keeping you clear of them.LinkScanner® Search-ShieldLinkScanner® Surf-Shield.

Share your life on Facebook, not viruses
With AVG protecting your system, you can chat and message your friends on Facebook and other social networks in the knowledge that each web page and link is checked for safety. You won’t pick up a malicious link from your friends - and you won’t send one either!AVG Social Networking Protection.

Expert support from techies that care
AVG understands the need to stay safely connected to the web no matter your geographical location or time of day - our mission is to provide ongoing peace of mind on a 24/7 basis.AVG SupportAVG Advisor.

Download : AVG Internet Security 2012
List Key :

Wisdom Story (Part 7)

Wisdom Story (Part 7)

Lumayan lama g lanjut update Wisdom Story, terakhir sampai part 6, berarti sudah ada 21 file MP3 yang aku share, semoga bisa nambah semangat hidup kita.
1. Cangkir Cantik
2. Jendela Rumah Sakit
3. Mencoba Sesuatu Yang Postif

Moga kita jadi pribadi yang lebih baik....
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